We are dedicated to providing you with the most optimal shipping options, while ensuring that we provide the highest levels of responsiveness to you at all times.
Location: United States
Standard Shipping: $6.99 USD
VIP Shipping: $9.99 USD
Worldwide Free Shipping Over $50 USD
Upon verification of your order, we will send you a confirmation email. Once an order has been verified, it will not be canceled during the period in question. However, we will do our utmost to communicate with you via email or phone in order to find a solution that suits both parties.
Please allow 2 to 3 business days for the processing of ground shipments.
Normally, we ship by standard express, which takes 10-15 business days. If your address is in a remote area, the delivery time will be 20-30 days. Please note that these are estimated delivery times only.